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This information is provided for the benefit of members and visitors to Wexham Park Golf Centre to avoid any uncertainty over dress code expectations. Society/group organisers please ensure all your party are aware before they come to the Golf Centre.

We have a progressive approach to fashion and recognise changing trends in casual wear, however clothing and footwear on the BLUE 18-hole course should be smart, clean, in good repair.

The General Manager, Golf Operations Manager or Course Marshall may not admit or allow play of any person who in their opinion is not dressed appropriately.


· Clothing and Footwear made specifically for the playing of Golf.

· Tailored trousers, shorts, or skirts for Ladies.

· Tailored trousers or shorts for Men.

· No football colours or team related clothing permitted

· Jeans, combat trousers and track/shell suits and the like may NOT be worn on the BLUE 18-hole course.

· Men’s shirts should have sleeves and collars (or roll necks) and be tucked into trousers.

· Ladies’ shirts may be worn with or without collars.